Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
The relevance of this study stems from the need to improve farm management methods in the context of an unstable natural and climatic zone, exemplified by the Yaroslavl Region, which is marked by heightened risks in both crop and livestock production. Although traditional approaches to farming are time-tested, they often fail to address modern challenges such as shifting climatic conditions, growing demand for high-quality products, and increasingly stringent environmental standards. Frequently, the methods and models employed do not account for the unique characteristics of each individual plot of land, leading to inefficient resource use and reduced overall productivity. Precision agriculture offers a solution to these issues by integrating state-of-the-art information technologies, precise positioning systems, and automated data processing methods. This approach enables precise control over every stage of the production cycle—from sowing to harvesting—while minimizing fuel, labor, fertilizer, and other costs. In addition, precision agriculture helps reduce the environmental impact by making more efficient use of natural resources. Despite substantial progress in the theory and practice of resource-saving technologies achieved by both domestic and international researchers, many enterprises in the agro-industrial complex continue to exhibit low economic performance. The primary cause lies in the insufficient adaptation of innovative developments to real-world operating conditions, especially in high-risk farming areas. As a result, the majority of farms remain inefficient, underscoring the need for new management models and the creation of favorable conditions for production and economic activity. The purpose of this study is to analyze the prospects for adapting precision agriculture to the conditions of agricultural production in the Yaroslavl Region. The findings indicate that there are several significant barriers hindering the adoption of precision agriculture, which has the potential to significantly enhance agricultural efficiency in the Yaroslavl Region. Implementing these solutions can facilitate sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex and improve the competitiveness of local producers in both domestic and international markets.
organizational and managerial innovations; production and economic activity; agro-industrial enterprises; high-risk farming zone; innovative potential; resource-saving agriculture; precision agriculture; management of agricultural enterprises; changing climatic conditions; efficient use of resources; information technologies; precise positioning; sustainable development; competitiveness
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