Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that despite the high level of state control, the sphere of international trade is attractive to malefactors and can be used to withdraw dirty money abroad, or invest it in the legal economy under the guise of honestly earned income. To successfully solve the problem of laundering the proceeds of crime in the course of foreign economic operations, a systematic approach and scientific understanding of the empirically obtained results are required. In this connection, the author sets the purpose to study current trends in the laundering of proceeds of crime in foreign economic activity, and methods of counteraction. The research was carried out using the typology method. The application of typological analysis in economics and other sciences is considered. The paper considers and systematizes the typologies of money laundering through import-export and transit operations. This includes «carousel» trading schemes, making transit transfers for fictitious imports and fictitious exports, transit of goods through the customs territory of the state. It is concluded that the money laundering schemes have typical features, and the typological analysis can increase the effectiveness of the efforts of state bodies in the fight against illegal operations. The research results can be used for automatization the detection of fraudulent schemes and deviant economic entities.
import-export operations; typological analysis; financial monitoring
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