Prospects for the development of the public sector of the economy in the context of overcoming the global crisis of the 2020s: world and national aspects
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The prospects for the development of the public sector of the economy in the context of overcoming the global crisis of the 2020s are analyzed. The results of the analysis of the characteristics of noonomy as a new state of a reasonable economy, which can be embodied in reality within the framework of the sixth technological stage, are presented. When analyzing the prospects for the development of the public sector of the economy in the context of overcoming the global crisis of the 2020s and the potential construction of noonomics, the types of government of Platon, including the ideal state, in which the public good is the highest value, are taken as the basis. Based on the analysis of the characteristics of non-ideal, but actually existing types of state structure according to Platon, influencing the development trends of the public sector of the economy, the state structure of the leading countries of the world, including Russia, is described according to the degree of maximum similarity. For the first time, on the basis of the analysis of theories of the development of the social economy in the last 200 years, their connection with the phases of economic activity within the framework of large (technological) cycles is shown. The main vectors of the formation of the public sector of the economy in the phase of overcoming the technological crisis of the 2020s are demonstrated. The article highlights the progressive and regressive components of the development of the public sector in the transition to a new phase of economic development as a result of its ongoing technical, technological and socio-economic transformations. The features of the predictive development of the public sector in the national economy are demonstrated.

development prospects, public sector of the economy, exit conditions, global crisis of the 2020s, world aspect, national aspect
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