Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
The digital development of society is an urgent and important topic in the modern world, as technologies and digital tools play an increasingly important role in our daily lives. This research topic is an urgent phenomenon that requires attention and study for the effective implementation of digital technologies in various spheres of life. The purpose of the work is to study the main aspects of the digital development of society, their use and impact on people’s lives. To achieve the goal, the following were studied: the development of digital technologies and devices, the creation of digital infrastructure, the use of digital technologies to increase productivity and efficiency in various fields, the use of digital technologies to ensure a decent human life, as well as opportunities and risks. Thus, the relevance of this work lies in describing the impact of digitalization on all processes taking place in society as a whole. The paper reflects the directions of the use of the Internet and the use of digital technologies in organizations, identifies the share of the use of digital technologies to increase productivity and efficiency in agriculture and higher education, notes the development of electronic services for public services in the field of public administration and social services, improving the efficiency of the health system, the introduction of electronic voting and digital identification, the development of data monitoring and analysis systems and more. It is noted that along with the possibilities of digitalization, risks arise. Thus, digitalization has affected the economy, education, healthcare, government, cultural and entertainment development, and security.
digitalization, society, digital technologies, fields of activity, Internet, platforms, healthcare, education, government, economy, security
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