Simferopol', Simferopol, Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the study and justification of the transformation of the essential orientation of institutions in the economy of the "non-platform" type and the sharing economy under the influence of the development of ecosystems and platforms. The relevance of this work is due to the importance of conducting institutional research in economics in terms of studying the stages of the genesis of the development of the information society, intensifying platform competition and ecosystem competition in the sharing economy. The aim of the work is to study and substantiate the set of institutional regulators of the impact on economic relations arising in the sharing economy in the context of the transformation of ideas for the development of the information society, the intensification of platform competition and ecosystem competition. In the course of the study, we used the method of content analysis of economic publications; scientometric approach to meaningful analysis of thematic foreign and domestic publications; the method of economic comparative studies, as well as methods of institutional analysis of economic and social processes that are the subject of study of the sharing economy. The genesis of the sharing economy, based on the widespread use of digital technologies, originates from the formation and development of the doctrines of the information society. The study of economic relations in the sharing economy is proposed to be carried out through the prism of the analysis of the transformation of ideas for the development of the information society, the intensification of platform competition and ecosystem competition. The author's position on the content of the institutionalization of the sharing economy is outlined based on the analysis of the stages of the genesis of the concepts of intellectualization of economic relations in the development of the sharing economy - the concepts of the noosphere, ecosystems, digital platforms. It is emphasized that the functions of institutions regulating the sharing economy are fundamentally changing. The purpose of such basic economic institutions as institutions of competition, property, market, economic power is considered. The importance and prospects of developing a system of formal and informal institutions that ensure the formation, functioning and transformation of ecosystems and platforms in the sharing economy are substantiated.
sharing economy, institutions, institutional research, information society, ecosystem, platform.
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