Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" Vladikavkaz Branch (Yaroslavl Branch)
Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
The article reveals that the institutional approach to the implementation of socio–economic development of territories requires methodological justification of the provisions of strategic budget programming in municipalities on the basis of public participation. The goal of initiative budgeting is to implement the principles of democracy through direct participation of citizens in the allocation of budget funds, the development of an effective system of interaction between government and society in the budgetary sphere, and the promotion of the development of civil society institutions and local self–government. The article substantiates the following components of the process of initiative budgeting in municipalities: 1) initiative budgeting is a reflection of a participatory approach to the management of territories; 2) the implementation of the people's initiative characterizes the quality of the activities of municipal authorities, which leads to an increase in the efficiency of municipal finance management; 3) when implementing initiative budgeting, integrative interaction of society and the individual is carried out to implement a single collective action. It is shown that the institutional approach includes not only the analysis of the system of relations to improve the effectiveness of the implementation of initiative projects, but also the identification of institutional traps arising in this process. Therefore, the importance of financing projects for the development of municipal education on the basis of the people's initiative lies in the implementation of social policy, when every citizen can feel involved in creating a comfortable urban environment. The authors proved that the institutional approach to the implementation of socio–economic development of territories requires a methodological justification of the provisions of the strategic budget programming of municipalities on the basis of public participation. The use of initiative budgeting methods allows achieving synergetic efficiency in the use of financial resources in the region. The formation of the strategic planning system has led to the emergence of new programming tools – state and municipal programs. An important place among them was taken by social and infrastructure programs based on popular initiative.
economics, management, finance, initiative budgeting, people's initiative, municipalities, programs, projects, budget, planning.
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