Kurgan, Russian Federation
In the article, on the basis of a new theoretical method of representing commercial enterprises: "Graphic Map of the Enterprise" - a statement is made about the end of the crisis in modern economic science, associated with the presentation of active and passive resources of the enterprise, incl. on the basis of numerous statements by Russian and foreign scientists who use such concepts as "crisis", "stagnation", "critical situation in economic theory". But at the same time, with the creation of the method: "Graphic map of the enterprise" - scientific theoretical thought got the opportunity to balance the modern economic theory and practice of economic companies, the main goal of which is to make a profit. The introduction of more than 40 new economic concepts made it possible to obtain visual conditional (theoretical) and specific images of unique commercial enterprises. Without exaggeration, we can affirmatively say that the crisis in modern economic science has been overcome, and overcome clearly and conclusively. The resulting Graphic Card, with verifiable formulas for 6 types of classified enterprises, visual conditional and specific graphs for these types of enterprises is proof of this.
resource cost ratio, enterprise equation, dynamic means.
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