Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
It is shown that one of the drivers of stable economic development in developed countries is the transition to a circular model based on the principle of «three R’s» - reduce, reuse and recycle. The transition to a circular economy, as shown by the best world practices, is the basis for increasing the competitiveness of the country and improving the quality of life of the population, through the priority development of high-tech industries, efficient use of available resources, waste recycling and production of goods from recycled materials, reducing negative environmental impacts. As of 2024, Russia ranks only 32nd out of 180 in the list of the most environmentally friendly countries compiled by the United Nations. For the effective development of the circular economy in the Russian Federation, it is necessary to study the experience of the formation of this model in the global space, in order to introduce successful foreign practices. A detailed analysis of existing mechanisms to support the development of the circular economy using the example of the following countries: Switzerland, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Germany revealed that the key elements of effective development of the circular economy are the responsibility of business for the rational use of natural resources in the production of goods and services and the social responsibility of the consumer for the rational use of labor products. The implementation of the circular economy model requires the reorganization of business processes at all levels of management: at the macro level - the use of relevant national and regional legislative documents and regulations in the field of waste management of production and consumption; at the meso level - optimization of logistics supply chains aimed at creating value for all participants in the chain movement; at the micro level - changing attitudes, human thinking and values in relation to nature, aimed at forming a new culture of consumption.
circular economy, transformation, business responsibility, consumer social responsibility, development support mechanisms, management levels, management tools
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