Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" Vladikavkaz Branch (Yaroslavl Branch)
Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Vladimir, Russian Federation
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
The article examines the activities of state and municipal authorities in the implementation of the project «Clean Water». The set of organizational, managerial and economic relations for providing the population with clean drinking water is analyzed. The main reasons for bad-th position in providing the population with clean water technology from water sector and insufficient investment, required in the new water treatment technology, water treatment and sanitation, the result of which is that the poor quality of water services, widespread pollution of water sources in industrial and domestic sewage. It is proved that if in the coming years it is not possible to lay the foundations and create mechanisms for the transition of the water supply sector to an innovative development model, then we can expect a further deterioration in the situation in the field of providing clean water to the population. Innovative approaches to the implementation of the «Clean Water» project (institutional support of the project implementation process; development and application of new technologies for water treatment and water supply; use of new organizational and managerial approaches to improving the economic and social efficiency of water supply to the population) are justified. The elements of the institutional support of the Clean Water project are shown. Based on the analysis of the process of water supply and water supply in the Vologda region, the possibility of implementing the project «Clean Water» is justified. The theoretical and methodological analysis of the formation and development of program approaches to providing clean drinking water to the population is carried out, the need for an innovative approach to the implementation of the strategic directions of the State Program «Clean Water» is justified. Justified budgetary efficiency index, which is defined as the ratio of the volume of investments from the Federal budget allocated for this object to the planned target of increasing the share of the population with quality drinking water from centralized water supply systems. It is shown that the achievement of goal-setting in the field of water supply and water supply, including in the implementation of the Clean Water project, should take into account social factors, organizational, managerial and institutional influences, and factors that counteract the achievement of a synergistic effect
innovation, organizational and management approaches, ecology, clean water, budget efficiency, synergy effect
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