Institutional approach to determining the structure of national wealth
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Abstract (English):
In economic theory, there are various approaches to determining the structure of a country’s national wealth, many of which are based solely on quantitative indicators. At the same time, traditional economic models do not take into account new factors in the development of national wealth, such as environmental services and digital assets. It seems that despite methodological limitations, the structure of national wealth should include the value of intangible assets, such as intellectual property, human and social capital. Due to the need to take into account multiple aspects and intangible benefits when forming the structure of a country’s national wealth, the authors proposed an institutional approach to determining the structure of national wealth, which is based on an assessment of the institutions and institutional environment that form the self-sufficiency of the national economy. The article discusses the main problems of modern society, which require investment in their elimination and, as a result of a decrease in the share of the country’s national wealth, the problem of measuring the country’s national wealth, due to the undeveloped methods for measuring modern conditions, which are mostly associated with the digitalization of economic, social and political processes, the structure of the country’s national wealth in the digital economy is proposed, an institutional approach to determining the structure of national wealth, based on the principle of self-sufficiency of the country’s economy, is proposed and justified.

institutions, institutional environment, national wealth, sustainable development, digitalization, human capital
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