Dushanbe, Tajikistan
Astrahan', Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Astrahan', Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Astrahan', Russian Federation
Labor mobility is an integral characteristic of the current level of development of the market economy, performs important functions of redistributing labor and overcoming differences in its lifestyle. At the same time, labor mobility, manifested in the form of labor migration, is a manifestation of the realization of economic, social and other ties between countries. The process of forming an open economy involves the free movement of capital, goods, technology, information and labor. In modern Russia, labor mobility is largely related to the peculiarities of the socio-economic situation, characterized by a surge in migration processes, the rupture of economic ties, and their reorientation to create a new economic space. At the same time, digitalization coverage of almost all sectors of the economy plays an increasing role, having a significant impact on the formation of the labor market, which has a distinct regional specificity. As a result of the socio-economic transformations taking place in society, there is a territorial differentiation of the labor force, official and hidden unemployment of the able-bodied population, an increase in the scale of nonstandard employment of the population, its mobility, which often has an unregulated character, and all this exacerbates the problem of the region’s availability of labor resources. Constant movement – labor mobility, which manifests itself in territorial and sectoral, professional and qualification sections, characterizes the labor force. The availability of a sufficient number of labor resources of the required quality composition, their rational use have a huge impact on the effectiveness of organizations. At the same time, labor mobility as a socio-economic factor affecting the labor resources of the region and individual enterprises and organizations is among the least studied in the context of the digitalization of the economy, which determined the relevance of the research topic. The article examines the main approaches to determining the essence of labor mobility.
labor, mobility, labor force, approaches, labor mobility, migration, labor resources, social mobility.
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