Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
In the conditions of the new reality established in Russia, the risks of increasing the representativeness of depressivetype economic systems in the socio-economic space of the country are significantly increasing. With increasing external restrictions on access to the resources of financial and technological markets, as well as budgetary constraints, the possibilities of financial support for these systems and the possibility of attracting external investors to them are narrowing, which increases the importance of finding hidden internal resources for their development and, at the same time, the importance of their effective state regulation, including monetary regulation. The complexity of monetary regulation of depressive-type economic systems in the conditions of modern transformation increases significantly, which implies an in-depth study of this process and focusing on the development of an appropriate methodological approach. The author substantiates the need to use a systematic approach as the main one for the development of the stated problem, chooses a modular version of this approach, supports it with the resources of the dialectical method, creates the new arguments for the attraction of the cognitive potential of a number of modern theories: money, socioeconomic transformations, institutional theory, etc. The author’s development of a methodology for the study of monetary regulation of depressive economic systems makes it possible to reveal the key tasks of this process in relation to the conditions of modern transformations, to evaluate its existing tools, as well as to justify the need for systematic modernization of such tools. The article argues for the need to attract interdisciplinary opportunities for the study of the stated scientific problem, reveals the paradigmatic node of the evolution of scientific ideas about monetary regulation of economic systems, analyzes the main results of the development of two components of such a node - keyncian and monetarist theories. The author substantiates the need for a balanced approach to assessing modern achievements and the potential that these theories are endowed with, gives applied recommendations for the effective implementation of their capabilities in solving a complex of problems of monetary regulation of depressive economic systems, indicates that the correct use of such opportunities encounters limitations due to a lack of experience in systemic research of these problems. Special attention is paid to the methodological aspects of the stabilization of market demand for money, the importance of which has increased significantly in modern conditions. The development of a methodology for the study of monetary regulation of depressive-type economic systems is focused on a real assessment of the creative potential that this process is endowed with.
monetary regulation; economic systems; depressive type; methodology; system approach; modular version; paradigm node; keyncian theory; monetarist theory.
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