Moscow, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
The study is devoted to a review of theoretical ideas on the integration of national economies. Particular attention is paid to the work of F. Machlup «History of thought of economic integration» (IMEI), which is relevant from the position of consistent disclosure of the essence, content and patterns of integration of national economies. The generalization of scientific approaches to the study of the integration of national economies, given at IMEI by representatives of various scientific schools of economic theory, including domestic ones, determines the meaning and content of the term «general economic integration». The study attempts to assess the relevance of F. Machlup’s worldview concept to modern processes of integration of national economies using structurallevel analysis. The study revealed the limitations of static models explaining the patterns of economic integration processes. In the work, conclusions were drawn about the presence and significant role of «deformation» in the integration of national economies at various levels of foreign trade, which limits the possibility of applying the approaches proposed by F. Machlup. The paper draws a distinction between deformation and dysfunction as a process and result of distortion and incorrect operation of supranational institutions of economic integration, as well as economic institutions of individual economic systems of national economies. On the basis of the analysis carried out, the author’s interpretation of the regularities of modern integration processes is given.
deformation, dysfunction, institutional-evolutionary approach, problems of economic theory, history of economic thought, method of structural levels
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