Kostroma, Russian Federation
The informational reason for writing this article was the announcement by Yaroslavl State Technical University of a conference dedicated to the anniversary date of Valery Alexandrovich Gordeev. The problem, the study of the essence of which the article is devoted to, may be interesting for the target audience of the journal «Theoretical Economy» due to the fact that the word «platform» has become a number of new-fangled euphemisms, and currently social platforms are one of the forms of social networks. Citizenship in the economic space was acquired by network social relations formed in the scientific culture of theoretical economy as social platforms. This article will help to see new facets in the research work of scientists based on their acquaintance with the elements of novelty, the essence of which is that: - identified the need to link the integration of economic development models into the general philosophe of the economy; - non-trivial judgments were made about the structural conditions for the formation of social platforms as a public good within the framework of general economic thends; - the possibility of considering social platforms as an evaluation tool for the theoretical economy of anti-platform capitalism (illegitimate inclusive capitalism) based on an understanding of their functioning is proved; - the idea of a new model of economic development (platform socialism) is formulated. The theoretical basis of the research was the structural-social system approach, the endoteric approach of V.A. Gordeev, interpelling according to L. Alutuserr and the theory of optimal morality of A.M. Warrior. In addition, the provisions of the works of A. Buzgalin, S. Bodrunov, M. Delyagin, V. Lipov, Y. Osipov, I. Srnichek, A. Gawer, A. Tivana, M. Porter, M. Kramer were used. The methodological basis of the analysis is the principles of diglossia, anthropic, actualism, structuralism and constructivism, as well as logical methods of abduction and adduction.
social platforms, theoretical economy, epistemological choice, microorganisms and their pandemics as threats to the economic security of the world economy, platform socialism
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