Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the analysis of the process of digital transformation, which has affected all areas of business, but proceeds ambiguously, because even the developed countries of the world are at different levels of «digital maturity». Digital transformation is not the achievement of abstract maturity, but the conquest of its level that corresponds to the subject itself. Therefore, the analysis of the problems of digitalization development, in particular, the tasks of assessing and identifying factors affecting digital maturity, is attributed to the actual tasks of modern research. The transition to digital technologies increases the competitiveness of the national economy, they not only help to solve communication, management, educational and other tasks, but also provide an opportunity to improve the quality of public services. The paper formulates the goals of socio-economic entities to achieve digital maturity. It is noted that the achieved level of human capital has become a significant factor in the development of the digital economy. And here it is important to understand that the digital economy has significantly changed the labor market, digital skills and abilities have become the most important, new professions have appeared, the set of competencies has ceased to be static, and specialty profiles have become dynamic. As a result of the study, it was found that the level of digital maturity differs significantly in regions and municipalities, and such differentiation complicates the digital transformation of public administration and requires measures taking into account regional specifics. In the work, a system of PESTI-analysis indicators was formed to establish strategic growth points and assess factors affecting the level of digital maturity of the region. The importance of the digital maturity indicator is enhanced by the fact that it is included in the criteria for the rating of leaders of the digital transformation of the subjects of the Russian Federation.
region, digital transformation, digitalization, rating, digital maturity, innovation, strategic goals, PESTI-analysis
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