Kursk, Kursk, Russian Federation
The problem of accelerating the growth rate of the Russian economy is analyzed on the basis of identifying the cost and natural-material sides of production results and identifying the relationships between them. The obtained statistically significant dependencies can be used in the analysis and forecasting of economic development. It is shown that the key role in the economy is played by material production, primarily industry. The value created in production underlies the income of the entire society, including the state, and determines the growth rate and the number of people employed in the service sector, as well as in infrastructure, construction, trade, transport and communications. To accelerate economic growth, it is necessary first of all to increase the growth rate of material production. In the Russian economy, the indicators of reproduction of the material and technical base of production are deteriorating, there is no tangible technical progress. A cardinal re-equipment of production based on modern technologies is ripe. It is restrained by the system of capitalist property relations, which generates a massive outflow of resources and capital abroad, dooming the country to technological backwardness. The growth of natural rent in a number of industries has a negative effect. The dependence of the economy on natural resource rent is a factor that disrupts sustainable economic growth. In the development of the economy, more and more emphasis is needed not on the growth of natural rent, but on the technical re-equipment of all industries, primarily engineering. It is concluded that it is necessary to significantly increase the annual supply of new equipment to enterprises and, accordingly, increase the volume of investments in the development, production and purchase of new equipment. If there is political will, the necessary funds to solve this problem can be mobilized and used for their intended purpose. A fundamental restructuring of the processes of production, distribution and use of value within the country is required, which can only be carried out with the help of the targeted use of state power, the organization of state planning in the interests of the country’s development.
Interrelation of cost and natural-material indicators of economic growth; factors and models of growth of industries; the leading role of material production; the need for technical re-equipment of production; natural rent as a growth factor; reasons for the slowdown in economic growth; ways to accelerate economic growth
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