Volgograd, Volgograd, Russian Federation
Volgograd, Russian Federation
Volgograd, Volgograd, Russian Federation
The purpose of this study is to study the features of new industrialization and suggest using a smart specialization strategy as a tool for its implementation. The study used theoretical and empirical methods of scientific knowledge, which made it possible to identify and substantiate the possibilities of smart specialization as a tool for new industrialization in the region in the context of the scientific and technological development of Russia. The paper identifies the key parameters of new industrialization: the development of large industrial production, scientific activity, clustering of industries, digital transformation of industries, diversification of the sectoral structure of industry, government support, entrepreneurial activity and creativity, technological and social innovation. The possibilities of smart specialization in the implementation of new industrialization in the region have been identified, which include: the introduction of intelligent technologies into production processes; technological development of sectors in the specialization of the region; developing entrepreneurial knowledge for technological trajectories; development of effective communications between the state, science and business; the formation of a creative class for the implementation of breakthrough innovations in high-tech industries. The use of smart specialization will make it possible to achieve the results of economic development of the region in the following directions: development of resource potential; investment attractiveness in the field of research and development; promoting innovative products and services to new markets; growth in income from the export of high-tech products; strengthening regional competitive advantages in the local market and others. The research results can be used in the development of regional policy for the scientific and technological development of the territory. The vector of future research in the study of practical experience in the use of smart specialization in the formation and implementation of innovative strategies in the regions of Russia.
region, industry, technological development, innovation, entrepreneurial activity.
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