Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
VAC 5.2.1 Экономическая теория
In the XXI century, there are significant changes in the dynamics of the development of society in all spheres of its life. With the advent of new technologies, new global trends, principles and standards are gaining popularity. New international regulations and agreements are being developed, which are actively adopted and integrated into the national policies and economies of the countries of the world. Despite the socially accepted good goals and missions taken into account in these processes, they have implicit consequences, in particular for the political and economic situation of our country, in particular. In carrying out this policy, geographical, geopolitical, geo-economic and climatic features of the territory of the state are unreasonably overlooked. At a meeting with volunteers and finalists of the Volunteer of Russia 2020 competition, the Head of the Russian Federation stressed: «Everything that happens in the north is of special interest and special value to us. I’m not even talking about the development of the Northern Sea Route right now. In general, this is our future, including in terms of mining in the future. Lomonosov once said that Russia would grow into Siberia. In the next decades, Russia will grow in the Arctic and the northern territories. These are quite obvious things.» In the presented article, the author examines the prerequisites for the approval of the Russian Federation as a relatively unique and inimitable state, analyzes the impact, adequacy and materiality of the international standards being developed in the context of the internal situation, and develops possible necessary changes in the development of the socio-economic life of the population and the activities of organizations.
Malthusianism, economic policy, industrialization, international standards
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