Simferopol, Simferopol, Russian Federation
Simferopol, Simferopol, Russian Federation
The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the intensification of the use of appropriate Nudge technologies and their combination with classical technologies of behavioral economics have led in many countries of the world to the institutionalization of behavioral regulation in centralized or decentralized models. The purpose of the article is to reveal the features of the models of institutionalization of «behavioral» regulation at the macroeconomic level in the countries of the world. At the same time, the tasks set are solved: the theoretical essence of institutions and the institutional environment is generalized, as well as the features and problems of its formation are considered. Behavioral nudging is considered as a potentially promising approach to improving government regulation both in academic discussion and in practice. Methods. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research was the fundamental works of Russian and foreign authors. Along with traditional methods of scientific research, systemic and institutional-evolutionary approaches, dialectical methods of cognition and interdisciplinary methods of analysis are used. Results. Increasing the effectiveness of the practice of using the behavioral motives of economic entities in the process of developing state economic policy is due to the application and introduction of techniques of influence of the theory of nudging, which determines the choice of a more rational solution that meets the interests of the individual and society. The institutionalization of behavioral regulation in a centralized model is represented by specific government agencies or departments specializing in the development of solutions using the theory of behavioral economics. Institutions of the decentralized model are independent commercial organizations that are not part of the structure of government agencies. Conclusion. It was found out that the process of formation and functioning of institutions of behavioral regulation in different countries of the world has its own specifics, and the bodies themselves are constantly changing. However, all options for institutionalizing behavioral regulation at the macro level leave the risk of using «dark nudging», which requires the creation of special institutions to mitigate or eliminate its negative consequences. The most important principle in the development of behavioral tools is compliance with universal and personal interests at the same time
institutions, institutionalism, institutional environment, formal and informal institutions, institutional «traps», behavioral economics, government regulation, institutionalization of regulation
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