Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Reformatting the international economics makes practice-orientation of higher education especially relevant. The article assesses impact of regional scientific centers on overcoming the FEA’s staff hunger. Methodological basis are concepts about practice-oriented education. Information basis were data of Customs and Statistical services, Central bank of Russia. Research methods were comparative and economic-statistical analysis. Methodical approach is substantiated to assessment of influence of dependence between specialists’ preparing and the indicators characterizing the Russia’s export development. It’s proposed to assess education through students’, graduates’ and researchers’ number and expenses on science, and the FEA’s results – through volume of export, including non-primary and non-energetic. The authors’ approach is tested on 85 Russian regions for 2021. Results of correlation analysis demonstrate: there’s link between considered indicators, especially between researchers’ number and expenses on science – and non-primary export. The algorithm is developed of organizing the interaction of participants of export project activity. As a tool of development is considered creation of campuses and their influence on region’s development. Theoretical and practical relevance consists in that trend is ascertained of activation of involvement of tools of practice-oriented education by preparing the FEA’s staff, and in that directions and ways of its realizing in Russian regions are defined.
FEA, region, export, non-primary non-energetic export, staff hunger, export project activity, campus, practice-oriented education
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