Simferopol, Simferopol, Russian Federation
Simferopol, Simferopol, Russian Federation
The formation and development of the digital economy, in many key aspects, depends on the quality and efficiency of the functioning of the institutions of the corresponding institutional environment, especially in the field of scientific and technological development. The purpose of the article is a comprehensive study of the fundamental principles of the formation and development of the institutional environment of scientific and technological development in the digital economy in order to highlight the main approaches to the effective development of the institutional environment of scientific and technological development in the digital economy. The objectives of the study are: a more detailed analysis of the formation and formation of the digital economy; assessment of digital economy development indicators; identifying and updating the main functions of the institutional environment for scientific and technological development in the digital economy; identifying the main approaches to the effective development of the institutional environment for scientific and technological development in the digital economy. During the research process, the following methods of scientific knowledge were used: general scientific (analysis, synthesis, grouping), comparative and statistical analyses, logical generalization, methods of economic analysis. Scientific novelty of the research - the authors conducted a study of the influence of the fundamental principles of the formation and development of the institutional environment of scientific and technological development in the digital economy, identified the main functions of the institutional environment of scientific and technological development in the digital economy; The main approaches to the effective development of the institutional environment for scientific and technological development in the digital economy are proposed. The authors analyzed in more detail the formation and formation of the digital economy. A certain relationship between the digital economy and scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation has been identified. An assessment of indicators for the development of the digital economy in the Russian Federation was also carried out. The authors identified and supplemented the main functions of the institutional environment for scientific and technological development in the digital economy. The authors concluded that the development of the digital economy in the Russian Federation is closely interconnected with the indicators of scientific and technological development of our country. For the successful functioning of the institutional environment of scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation in the digital economy, it is necessary to apply the following approaches: platform, project and institutional.
digital economy, scientific and technological development, digital technologies, science indicators, institutional environment, institutions, functions, approaches
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