Volgograd, Volgograd, Russian Federation
Economic theory applies a set of methods that form a methodological program. The purpose of the article is to study the variety of types of methodologies in modern economic theory. The objectives of the research are aimed at: studying the origins of each methodological program in the process of its use by economists; identifying the effectiveness of types of economic methodology; determining the priority directions of economic and methodological research in the conditions of information society. The following types of methodological programs in economic theory are analyzed: postpositivist, analytical, neopragmatic, historical, dialectical, pluralistic, eclectic, synergetic, postmodernist, game, relativistic. It is shown that in modern conditions it is difficult to talk about a linear approach to the methods of scientific research. As a consequence, it is impossible to identify a single methodological program that would suit all scientists. Along with the mainstream, heterodox economics is actively developing, which unites a number of scientific schools and opposes to economics. The rapid change of scientific paradigms indicates the transition from classical to post-classical economics, which indicates not only quantitative but also qualitative transformations in science. At present, the eclectic approach, which is also a type of methodology, is more prevalent among economic scientists. At the same time, postpositivist and analytical methodology, associated with the mainstream, is in demand, especially in English-speaking countries. Apparently, in the conditions of the technological revolution currently underway, new methodological programs aimed at the theoretical understanding of such phenomenon as artificial intelligence will be formed. This is where we can expect the greatest number of methodological innovations. All this is already reflected in economics. Thus economic methodology will also reach a new level of development.
methodological program, economic theory, postpositivist methodology, analytical methodology, neopragmatic methodology, historical methodology, dialectical methodology, heterodox economics, eclectic methodology, relativistic methodology
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