Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Irkutsk, Irkutsk region, Russian Federation
The content of the socialization of the economy, its characteristics and manifestations is considered. Approaches to the definition of the socialization of the economy from the point of view of economic theories and concepts are given. The relationship between the socialization of the economy and the search for a new economic development model, the development of a strategic national idea, the formation of strategic goals and guidelines for the state and regions, and the assessment of the social effectiveness of ongoing reforms and socio-economic policy are shown. A comparison was made of the national goals declared by the President of Russia in the decrees of 2018 and 2020. It is shown that the socialization of the economy and its development (on the one hand, growth / strengthening and, on the other hand, braking / fading / restraint) can be analyzed through statistical indicators and the results of surveys of the population, business, authorities, and the expert community. Manifestations and indicators of socialization of the economy are considered on the example of theories and concepts: social state, social market economy, new economy - noonomics, national wealth, human capital, socially oriented development of society, social justice, social responsibility of business, public health. The concept of "potential for the socialization of the economy" has been introduced. The factors of socialization / desocialization of the economy are indicated. It is shown that the positive tendencies of strengthening, increasing the effects of the socialization of the economy can be accompanied by negative processes of desocialization associated with inhibition, weakening of the social "vector". On the example of the methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of the activities of senior officials of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, it is considered how the trends in the socialization of the economy are currently reflected in the derivation of important ratings. Examples of the use of sociological research methods are given, the results of which directly or indirectly reflect the trends in the socialization of the economy.
socialization of the economy, manifestations of the socialization of the economy, indicators of the socialization of the economy, desocialization of the economy, growth / strengthening of the socialization of the economy, deceleration / extinction of the socialization of the economy, factors of socialization / desocialization of the economy, the potential of the socialization of the economy.
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