Vladimir, Russian Federation
Vladimir, Vladimir, Russian Federation
Human capital is considered as a scientific category through the prism of social reproduction. The characteristic of the scientific school at the Ivanovo State University on the problems of social reproduction is given. Attention is drawn to the priority areas of research of this school, including from the standpoint of scientific potential. The research base of the school is being updated, taking into account the involvement of the team of the Governor of the Ivanovo Region in this process. The components of human capital are detailed, including education capital, health capital, and cultural capital. An analysis of these components from the standpoint of social reproduction (empirical basis) is given and it is concluded that these types of human capital are not fully reproduced in the territory of the Vladimir and Ivanovo regions. The aspect of territorial reproduction of human capital is emphasized. It is proved that from the point of view of social reproduction and living environment, human capital in small towns and rural areas is not reproduced. The measures taken by the Government of the Russian Federation in terms of achieving positive dynamics in the reproduction of the capital of health, education and culture are given and it is proved that the stated measures are not able to reverse the negative situation. One of the reasons for this state of affairs is errors of a methodological and organizational nature in the light of the concept of spatial development, both in historical terms and the current stage of Russia's development. Proposals have been made aimed at shifting development centers and attracting resources in favor of small towns.
human capital, social reproduction, education capital, health capital, cultural capital, spatial aspects of human capital reproduction.
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