Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Mezhrayonnaya inspekciya Federal'noy nalogovoy sluzhby RF No51 (nachal'nik otdela kadrov)
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Currently, there is a shortage of highly qualified senior personnel in most institutions of the State civil service. This circumstance negatively affects the quality of services provided to the population and business, and also significantly reduces the speed of solving one of the most important strategic goals of the Russian Federation for the formation of the digital economy. Many years of domestic experience shows that the personnel reserve system is a promising tool for solving the problem of personnel shortage in the state civil service. At the same time, the conducted literature review showed that the list of scientific papers devoted to assessing the current state of the personnel reserve in both state and commercial organizations is extremely limited, and research on the problems of its adaptation to modern digital realities is virtually absent. The hypothesis of the study: the introduction of modern digital technologies will increase the efficiency of the current system of the personnel reserve of state civil servants. The purpose of the study: using the example of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation (FTS of the Russian Federation) to identify the main problems that reduce the effectiveness of personnel reserve management in the state civil service and to suggest ways to solve them based on modern digital technologies. The research methods were the historical method, as well as the analysis of the regulatory framework governing the processes of formation and management of the personnel reserve in the state civil service in general and in the Federal Tax Service in particular. The electronic fund of legal and regulatory and technical documents of the official portal «Codex» is used as an information base. Results and conclusions. In the course of a step-by-step analysis of the process of formation and use of the personnel reserve of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, it was revealed that the main problems hindering its effective functioning are information asymmetry, opacity of competitive selection procedures for candidates and subsequent appointment to vacant positions for reservists. It is concluded that these problems reduce the motivation of those wishing to participate in the personnel reserve. The use of cloud technologies, chatbots, as well as embedding existing algorithms used on the portal of Public Services of the Russian Federation into the work of the website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation are proposed as key digital solutions for leveling the identified problems. In order to increase motivation to participate in the personnel reserve, it is recommended to use methods of material and non-material incentives, as well as gamification tools.
human resources; digitalization, state civil service; federal tax service, personnel reserve, personnel reserve management, competitive selection
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