Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Based on the provisions of the international doctrine in the field of sustainable development1, as well as on the system of national indicators developed in the Russian Federation that reflect the achievement of the sustainable development goals (SDGs), many economists, ecologists and sociologists offer indicators to assess the effectiveness of measures taken by the governments of various countries, including Russia, in order to achieve global and national sustainable development goals (SDGs), which is understood as such development of the countries of the world at the present time, which should provide a decent life for the population of these countries in the present and future, i.e. preserve the conditions for the progressive development of mankind for future generations and its environment, i.e. taking into account both natural (for example, climate change, loss of biodiversity, etc.), and man-made (emissions into the environment of various types of human waste), changes in the environment. The triune concept of sustainable development of all countries of the world, adopted in September 2015 at a meeting of the UN General Assembly for the period up to 2030, assumed the consideration of the territory of any country as an eco-socio-economic system that has its own specific national characteristics, but at the same time based on global goals sustainable development (17 SDGs). Some of the results of the development of a universal indicator of sustainable development of the internal territories of the Russian Federation (its constituent entities) presented in this study, taking into account the level of well-being of their population at a certain level of return of the natural environment, the degree of satisfaction with living conditions, the provision of education, are relevant, promising, contain elements of scientific novelty in part reflection in the modified Human Development Index (MHDI) of the environmental and economic components for each inland territory of the Russian Federation (diversification of the “ecological footprint” and GDP). The presented indicator is constantly undergoing changes due to the receipt of new data, changes in the territorial boundaries of the internal territories of the Russian Federation and the establishment of latent causal relationships of the indicators included in it. This indicator can be recommended for use in international comparisons of national achievements in the field of sustainable development of the states of the World etc.
sustainable development goals; interaction between economy and ecology; statistical methods for measuring influence; mixed-type index models; modification of international indices; "ecological footprint"; Nature yield of the territory.
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