Yaroslavl', Russian Federation
Yaroslavl', Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Goal. The change in the position of the peasantry in the country's economy, starting with the reform of 1861. They became free and got pieces of land. It was then that their active decomposition began and a layer of rich peasants stood out, the so-called "dirty capitalists", a layer of middle peasants and the rich grew, i.e. the development of peasant farms did not go the way that V.I. Lenin wrote about in his work "The Development of Capitalism in Russia". In which he singled out 50% of the poor, 30% of the middle class and 20% of the rich. This asted until the revolution of 1917, when they received by decree of V.I. Lenin only the eternal right to use the land, and the land itself became the property of the state. Relevance Peasants have never considered the land to be their own with an appropriate attitude towards it .The means of production were separated from the labor force. "The New Economic Policy announced in 1921 destroyed the landowner class, but strengthened the layer of dirty capitalists and ordinary peasants. and only the conduct of continuous collectivization, which did not take place at all
reform in 1861year liberation peasants, dirty capitalists, state agricultural, statute 1999year, transmission the land and another means of production to peasants. Change attitude to its increase fecundity of land, increase productivity of work, and caution attitude to other means of work, growth of profit, increase export of agriculture production.
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