Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
The development of new technological capabilities is of great scientific and practical importance for the development of countries, both from the point of view of the macroeconomic theory of economic growth and the theory of strategic innovation management of the firm. According to the main scientific schools of macroeconomic theory, the stability of economic growth is usually supported by several important factors, among which three of the most important of them can be distinguished, namely capital accumulation, population growth and technological progress (technological capabilities). At the same time, at the end of the last century, the founders of the new growth theory presented a model of endogenous growth in which the importance of technology and innovation as a source of economic growth was emphasized, and since then the concept of innovation and economic growth has become an attractive area of research for scientists. The purpose of this article is to study the methodological concept of the possibilities of integrating the development factor of technological capabilities in macroeconomic models of economic growth. The article includes a methodological discussion of the prerequisites for macroeconomic models, taking into account the conclusions from the research of the concept of technological capabilities at the aggregated level. At the same time, the article summarizes various determinants and mechanisms of the development of technological capabilities, and they are consistent with the current understanding of the development of technological capabilities within the framework of macroeconomic models. Based on these results, the article suggests some hypotheses about the extent to which it is possible to integrate these determinants into theoretical macroeconomic models in the macroeconomic theory of economic growth. The results of the author's research once again confirm the thesis that, using the example of advanced innovative countries, the Russian Federation should also base its economic growth strategy on policies that promote the expansion of technological capabilities and policies that create incentives for innovation.
macroeconomic theory, macroeconomic model, development of technological capabilities, economic growth, innovative dynamics
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