Yaroslavl', Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
This article discusses the main theoretical approaches and issues of the concept of "institute" as an element of institutional economics. The main definitions formulated from the positions of various authors are analyzed and summarized. The essence and phenomenon of the concepts "institute", "institutional theory" are investigated. The problem areas facing researchers at the present stage of the development of economic relations within the framework of institutional theory are identified. Approaches to the concept and identification of the institute are given on the example of the implementation of state functions in the field of ensuring the country's defense capability and national security. The study of the development of economic systems from an institutional point of view helps to identify the main problem areas and risk areas. In the course of the analysis, it is concluded that institutions are socio–economic entities, which fully include both the public administration sector and military institutions. The authors analyze the modern institutional structure of the country's defense system, substantiate the influence of this structure on the economic system, and also consider the specifics of the interaction of all institutional units and sectors of the economy with each other in order to protect state interests, depending on the powers granted in this area. The classification of institutions according to the method of their impact on the individual is given. The influence of formal and informal institutions on the activities of people and the life of society is substantiated. The concept of a military institution as an institutional entity is formulated, i.e. a set of individuals united in an association based on the coordinated acceptance and joint use of a number of requirements limiting the scope, forms, means and methods of economic interactions.
institutional economy; institutions; public administration sector; military organization of the state; military institutions; national defense capability; national security.
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