Krasnodar, Krasnodar, Russian Federation
The concept of a new economic reality appeared in the scientific literature shortly after the global crisis of 2008-2009 and quickly became very popular. At the same time, its frequent use in various senses in relation to the phenomena of modern socio-economic life, which are different in nature, indicates a superficial understanding of the new economic reality, when the meaning is sacrificed to the presentation originality and sonority of the combination of terms. In connection with this circumstance, an in-depth development of the idea of a new economic reality within the framework of theoretical research is in demand, focused on the formation of a new direction in the development of economic theory and the enrichment of its cumulative knowledge. To carry out an in-depth development of the concept of a new economic reality, the author draws on the possibilities of the dialectical method and modern versions of the system approach. The key results of this development are: justification of the need to use the idea of a new economic reality in the theoretical study of modern socio-economic life; the conclusion that this idea corresponds to some special qualitative state of the system of capitalist relations, that is, a phase in the movement of the corresponding mode of production; The conclusion is that such a state is designed to provide a solution to the complex of unresolved problems accumulated during the modern transformation of the socio-economic system, as well as to create the necessary conditions for further transformations. The article argues for the need to form a holistic theory of the new economic reality as one of the "branches" of the "tree" of modern economic theory. The author offers a number of applied recommendations for the modernization of the state socio-economic policy in relation to the new economic reality, pays special attention to the features of the new economic reality in the development space of modern Russia. Special attention is paid in the article to the prerequisites of the phenomenon of the new economic reality itself and the emergence of the first ideas about it.
new economic reality; categorical construct; phase in the movement of capitalist production; unsolved problems of transformation; contradictions; socio-economic system.
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