Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Target. Reveal the methodological aspects of the study of the institutional foundations of business value formation within the framework of the research program of the institutional framework of interactions of D. Nota. Goal. To systematize scientific approaches to the study of the institutional foundations of business value formation, to determine the long-term vector of development of scientific views on the problem of business value formation; reveal the structure of the institutional framework for the formation of business value in the framework of D. North's research program; consider the methodological principles of structuring the institutional framework for the formation of the value of a business as a system. Research methods. System analysis, synthesis, generalization, interpretation of results. A brief conclusion. In the article the author's systematization of scientific approaches to the study of the institutional foundations of the formation of the value of modern business is presented. As a methodological approach that allows integrating competing approaches to determining the value of a business, the research program of the institutional framework of D. North was used. It is determined that the vector of development of scientific knowledge in this problem area is directed to the study of business value through the development of a predominantly behavioral approach towards the construction of an institutional approach. Within the framework of D. North's methodological approach, the structure of the institutional framework for the formation of business value is revealed. It has been established that the institutional framework of the business value formation process as a system satisfies the system-wide principles: the principle of qualitative diversity; the principle of hierarchical order; the principle of combining flexibility and rigidity.
cost approach, behavioral approach, institutional approach, research program of the institutional framework by D. North, structure of the institutional framework of the business value formation process, principles of structuring the institutional framework as a system.
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