Sankt-Peterburg, Russian Federation
Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
The issue of timing of the adaptation of the information security industry of the Russian Federation after the withdrawal of Western vendors from the domestic market and the unstable 2022, which caused other structural changes in the industry, remain open. The issue of the discussion lies in the high competitiveness of products of domestic manufacturers, which at the beginning of 2023 is not capable of influencing the improvement of the quality of information security product components. The authors accepted the conditions under which the solution of the problem of creating their own alternative high-capacity technological IT components in the implementation of the import substitution policy is long-term. The assessment of the prospects for further development of the information security industry of the Russian Federation requires the introduction of an integrated approach: the improvement of instrumental and technical support and the filling of security elements should be supported by high-quality legal regulation. Thus, the article identified and substantiated the need for the development of the domestic information industry in a new vector: the transition from a developing form of information security (IS) to a productive one. In this connection, the methodological tool of the study was to study the list of updated provisions of legal acts regulating measures to ensure information security today, and to compare the current standards with the conditions for the development of the cyber industry of the Russian Federation in the period 2022–2023. On this basis, a list of key vulnerabilities of the IT infrastructure of the Russian Federation in the processes of import substitution of information security elements is presented. Guided by the assessment of the sufficiency of the existing technical IT support and taking into account the identified shortcomings of the regulatory legal acts, directions for reforming the organization of the IT infrastructure and methodology for ensuring the country's information security at all levels (individuals, organizations and the state) were developed.
IT infrastructure; CII subjects; cyber attacks; specialist; cyber literacy; fraud; Information Security; incident; vulnerability; software (software); information security tools (ISZ); Unified Phone Call Verification Platform (SVVV).
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