Yaroslavl', Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Rybinsk, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the improvement of the conformity assessment system in the Russian Federation (RF). The relevance of the work is due to the restructuring of the interaction of world players, with the subsequent release of a certain market share in the Russian Federation and the reorientation of many of its logistics supplies to other countries. Using the latest quality management tool as benchmarking, a comparative analysis of conformity assessment systems in the Russian Federation and the USA was carried out. Based on the 6 comparison criteria formed, it was determined that the entire conformity assessment system in our country not only does not orient the national manufacturer to voluntary certification of its products or services, but also does not imply its popularization in the national conformity assessment system in order to highlight its competitive advantages, increasing consumer confidence in domestic producers. On the example of the conformity assessment system in the aircraft industry, the expediency of organizing work in the field of voluntary conformity assessment was proved, and it was also concluded that the conformity assessment system in the Russian Federation is not focused on integration processes into international systems. Therefore, the authors of the article propose to consider a decrease in the role of the state in market relations and to increase the involvement of national manufacturers in the development of the entire conformity assessment system on the principles of voluntariness. It is also proposed to national manufacturers focused on long-term, as well as effective and efficient market relations, to confirm the conformity of their own products within the framework of voluntary certification, both when entering new markets and when releasing market shares.
confirmation of conformity, PS, voluntary PS, RF, USA, voluntary certification, aircraft industry
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