Minsk, Belarus
Minsk, Belarus
The article presents the conceptual and theoretical foundations of the resource-useful approach to the study of socio-economic systems and processes, actively developed by the Department of Economic Security of the Belarusian State University. It is shown that along with the traditional cost, costly in terms of their political and economic essence, characteristics of socio-economic processes, it is necessary to take into account their useful parameters. The theoretical and practical results achieved within the framework of this approach, which are important for the management of scientific and technological progress in Belarus and Russia and focused on purposefully increasing the level of technological progressivity of their national economies, increasing the level of their technological safety, as well as taking into account the technological aspect of the implemented import substitution policies in both countries. It is concluded that the resource-useful approach to the study of socio-economic systems and processes can be considered as one of the directions within the framework of a comprehensive concept of theoretical economics, which today claims to develop a path for the development of civilization that can lead it to the trajectory of safe, truly sustainable development.
theoretical economy, resource-utility approach to the study of socio-economic systems and processes, sustainable development, scientific and technological progress, technological progressivity of the national economy, technological security, technological function, safe development, import substitution.
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