Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M. V. Lomonosova
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
The relevance of this study is determined by the fact that in modern conditions at the level of the national economy, serious problems remain in ensuring the effectiveness of its development. Considering as one of the problems of the strategic development of the national economy the fact that in the formation of development strategies based on initiatives "from above", initiatives "from below" are not properly taken into account in this study, from a theoretical and methodological position, the question of why this happens ? As a methodological basis in this review, the model for the development of intra-corporate strategic initiatives by R. Burgelman, modified in terms of taking into account the operational level of the organization at the level, was used. By drawing analogies between the development strategies of microeconomic and macroeconomic systems, the main reasons for ignoring strategic initiatives in the development of the domestic economy are identified. It is shown that the main reason for ignoring strategic initiatives in modern concepts of the strategic development of the domestic economy is the very implemented model of state-monopoly capitalism, in which the monopolist is not interested in the very fact of implementing strategic initiatives, since he is already satisfied with the current situation. It is demonstrated that the monopoly position of many large companies in modern Russia, controlled by the state, is accompanied by agency conflicts between the economic interests of the state and top managers assigned to manage these companies in the interests of the state, which consists in the fact that it is much more profitable for top managers of these companies to show a higher a share of the company's costs, part of which should be appropriated in one form or another, rather than demonstrating high profits that will have to be distributed jointly with the state as the founder. It has been established that it is precisely this fundamental difference between state-monopoly capitalism and private capitalism according to K. Marx that leads to the fact that the top management of large companies in the domestic economy has no motivation to increase the economic efficiency of companies, and hence to take strategic initiatives.
reasons for neglect, strategic initiatives, modern concepts, strategic development, macroeconomic systems, theoretical and methodological aspect
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