Noril'sk, Krasnodar, Russian Federation
In the works of economists, human development is limited to the model of an economic person, who is given signs and features that are not peculiar to this model. The article substantiates the law of the development of a harmonious person, which appears after the economic person. The article proves that the development of civilization in the future will cause the need for the consistent appearance of a harmonious, creative, superman, and cosmic man, as well as a person of higher material and spiritual practices for the arrangement of outer space. The purpose of the article is to clarify the essence and content of the economic law of the development of a harmonious person who has the ability to discover his destiny, that is, the sphere of activity where he is most effective and productive. The relevance of the article is determined by the presence of high productivity of a harmonious person, higher than the productivity of an economic person. The model of a harmonious person expresses the achievement of complete material well-being, which creates conditions for a new stage of human development. This stage is characterized by the emergence of the need for self-expression. The need for self–expression is the need for self-determination, self-improvement of a person. Manifestations of mass self-expression form a mass specialization of members of society in the field of activity that most allows to realize the unique abilities of each. The mass manifestation of the unique abilities of the members of the society makes it possible to repeatedly increase labor productivity and multiply increase the economic potential of the society. The formation of a harmonious person as the core of a new economic model and universal private property as the main element of this model form a qualitatively new system of economic relations that consolidate the process of spreading a harmonious person. A harmonious person forms an economic model of prosperity for everyone. The developed model of the prosperity economy for all is the unity of the market economy model being overcome, the emerging model of the prosperity economy for all and the future model of the creative economy. The historical significance of the economic model of prosperity for all is that it prepares the prerequisites for a future model of a creative society that will actually transform the earth's civilization and open up comprehensive opportunities for the creation of a cosmic civilization of mankind.
higher needs, activities for the realization of higher needs, economic laws of human development, the highest value and goals of civilization, the economic law of the development of a harmonious person.
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