Simferopol, Simferopol, Russian Federation, Simferopol, Russian Federation
Annotation The article shows the theoretical and methodological basis of the innovation and investment orientation of the development of the potential of the region: the virtual potential of the tourist complex as one of the priority directions of the development of the economy of the Republic of Crimea is revealed; the analysis of the functioning of the tourism industry on the peninsula is carried out; the main directions of increasing the efficiency of using the potential are considered; the elements of its prospective development are identified. In the course of the work; the need for the introduction and development of virtual tourism is substantiated, as well as measures of state support aimed at the development of the tourism industry are considered. It is determined that the innovation and investment orientation of the development of the tourism potential of the Republic of Crimea is based on an integrated approach that includes not only avant-garde technological innovations, but also organizational, financial and social, such as: digital development of the region's economy (introduction and use of new technologies and digital tools in the industry, such as virtual development of the tourism industry); investment approach to the development of the industry (attracting both internal and external investments to finance various projects, as well as creating new jobs and improving the social sphere for guests and residents of the peninsula); development of industry and innovation clusters in the economy (involves reducing costs and increasing the competitiveness of enterprises, improving the infrastructure of the economy of the peninsula, the development and implementation of innovative projects); state support for innovation and investment in the industry (creation of favorable conditions for business development, tax incentives, grants and subsidies for innovative projects, as well as the development of infrastructure to attract investment). A conducted analysis of the innovation and investment orientation of the development of the potential of the region made it possible to assess the factors of the level of competitiveness of the tourism industry of the peninsula, as well as to consider in general the potential effectiveness of its economic activity. The purpose of the study is to study the development of one of the characteristic branches of the Crimean region, the tourism industry of the Republic of Crimea, to identify elements of promising development, as well as theoretical and methodological justification of the innovation and investment orientation of the development of the region's potential through virtual tourism. The relevance of the work lies in the emphasis on the expediency of using modern virtual digital information and communication technologies in the development of the tourism industry. Strategic initiatives of the possible development of Crimean tourism and the attractiveness of virtual travel are analyzed. Based on the set goal , the following tasks were put forward: 1. Show the development of the recreational complex of the Crimea. 2. Analyze the investment climate of the Crimean region. 3. Explore the technology of virtual tours. 4. Develop recommendations based on the rational experience of Crimean tourism. The article substantiates the theoretical and methodological postulate of the development of the virtual potential of the tourism industry in the region.
innovation and investment orientation; tourism industry; virtual potential; Republic of Crimea; tourism development strategy; recreational complex.
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