Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" Vladikavkaz Branch (Yaroslavl Branch)
Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
The article examines open innovations that characterize cooperation between universities and organizations of the real sector of the economy, which has become an important managerial approach to innovation, uniting scientific and economic structures within the framework of joint initiatives. The development of open innovations is an important task of forming an effective business environment in the regions. It is revealed that innovative activity is a special element of the system of economic relations aimed at using the results of scientific research and development to ensure expanded reproduction. As a result of creative activity, the product range is expanded and updated, its quality is improved, technological processes are improved. It is shown that open innovations are a universal tool that can create added value and have a positive impact in various spheres of economic activity. Being the most important forms of innovation, they characterize the process of transferring resources, knowledge and practices between organizations and external economic entities. It is revealed that the concepts of VR-technology (virtual reality) and AR-technology, or Augmented Reality, as augmented reality technologies have entered into the practice of economic activity in many regional economic systems, which allow expanding the scope of the real world by introducing digital elements into it. The conducted open innovation study expands knowledge in the field of digital innovation and marketing, but has limitations associated with a lack of data on Greek small and medium-sized enterprises. Further research is needed on the use of digital technologies in small and medium-sized businesses in the regional economic system, especially in marketing, since this area is the most flexible and open to the integration of new digital solutions.
region, economic system, open innovations, universities, real sector, economy, management, economic growth, network interaction.
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