Simferopol, Simferopol, Russian Federation
Simferopol, Simferopol, Russian Federation
The large-scale development of the digital economy determines the digital transformation of all spheres of life, as well as their penetration into business activities, providing it with significant economic and social effects, which, in turn, leads to the emergence of digital entrepreneurship. The purpose of the article is a comprehensive study of the infrastructure of digital entrepreneurship as an element of the digital economy that forms the environment in which decisions are made in the field of entrepreneurship. The authors conducted a conceptual, detailed analysis of the essence of infrastructure support for entrepreneurial activity from the perspective of different approaches, to determine the essence and features of infrastructure support specifically for digital entrepreneurship. Theoretical foundations for the development of an infrastructure support system for digital entrepreneurship are proposed. Problematic areas directly in the development of digital entrepreneurship have been identified, and ways to solve the identified problems have been identified. The authors concluded that the infrastructure support for digital entrepreneurship should include the following blocks: information, digital, production and technological, institutional, social, financial, environmental, block of support for digital entrepreneurship entities, which must be considered as an integral, interconnected system.
digital economy, entrepreneurial activity, entrepreneurship, digital entrepreneurship.
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