Vladikavkaz, Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation
Astrakhan, Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Astrakhan, Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Astrakhan, Astrakhan, Russian Federation
The relevance of studying the problems of small business is due to the fact that the formation of small businesses in the Russian Federation occurs in a tough confrontation with bureaucratic structures, in overcoming the existing structure of the economy, a feature of which is the predominance of large enterprises. Small business is currently a sector of the economy that has dominated in terms of quantity and production volume in the leading countries of the world for many years. This type of business makes a huge economic contribution to the development of the country, employment of the state population, as well as the structure and condition of the national currency. The development of small business is one of the priorities of the country's economic development, since it plays an important role in ensuring the stability of economic development, increasing the flexibility and adaptability of the national economy to changing external and internal conditions. Small business supports the country's economy, which is why it is worth studying its development trends and the problems that entrepreneurs face. The impact of a small business on the economy is multifaceted and goes beyond its size. Their role in job creation, economic growth, innovation and community development underscores their importance in creating a vibrant and sustainable economic landscape. Policymakers and stakeholders often recognize the importance of supporting and encouraging small business growth to improve overall economic health. The article discusses the problems and prospects for the development of small businesses in modern economic conditions. The main advantages and disadvantages of small business are given. Measures are proposed to improve the efficiency of small businesses.
small business, public administration, market economy, economic policy, corporation, State Corporation, public good
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