Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
This article is devoted to the study of some theoretical and methodological aspects of the comparative characteristics of evolutionary and structural approaches to assessing macroeconomic dynamics. The purpose of this article is to propose directions for improving the methodology of comparative characterization and evaluation of methods for studying structural changes and evolutionary dynamics as alternative approaches to analyzing macroeconomic dynamics going through the processes of quantitative and qualitative transformation over time. In accordance with this goal, the main objectives of the study are: analysis and synthesis of various theoretical and methodological origins of the formation and development of these two approaches, with special attention to the heuristic possibilities that they provide; investigation of the extent to which a specific area of the evolutionary approach can contribute to the application of structural heuristic elements, and vice versa, more precisely, consideration of structural heuristic elements as tools for analyzing sequential processes of change (a characteristic area of research of the evolutionary approach); the analysis of evolutionary heuristics as a tool for studying long-term, irreversible transformations of economic structures (a characteristic area of research of the structural dynamics approach). The scientific novelty of this study lies in the development of new and improvement of already used key methodological approaches to strategic management of macroeconomic dynamics, which can serve as a basis for further research. In this regard, the formal model proposed in the article provides an important step towards further research of more formalized models, by including in them the interaction between several systems arising in the context of one or more growth regimes. At the end of the article, the ways in which the integration of the two approaches can contribute to the creation of a comprehensive heuristic of historical processes of economic change are discussed.
economic theory, macroeconomic system, evolutionary dynamics, structural changes, causal relationship
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