Simferopol, Simferopol, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Large-scale digital transformation and the introduction of digital technologies leads to the need to supplement the existing institutional environment with new social institutions and change the basic principles of the functioning of institutions in accordance with the requirements of the digital economy. In the process of this research, the following methods of scientific knowledge were used: general scientific (analysis, synthesis, grouping), comparative analysis, induction, logical generalization. The purpose of this article is to study the impact of digital transformation on the fundamental principles of the functioning of social institutions, as well as to identify key institutions for the development of the digital economy. The objectives of the study are: to analyze the formation and essence of the concept of “social institution”; consider and update the main universal functions of social institutions in accordance with digital realities; complement social institutions for the development of the digital economy; propose and describe in detail the main functions of digital economy institutions. Scientific novelty of the research - the authors conducted a study of the influence of digital transformation on the fundamental principles of the functioning of social institutions and revealed that large-scale digital transformation leads to the renewal of the universal functions of social institutions; The key social institutions for the development of the digital economy are supplemented, their main functions are presented and characterized. Summarizing the above, the following conclusions were made. The influence of digital transformation on the fundamental foundations of the development of social institutions is manifested in the renewal of the universal functions of social institutions. We believe that in the context of the development of the digital economy, social institutions perform the following functions: the function of consolidating and reproducing social relations, regulatory, integrative, broadcasting, communicative educational, as well as the function of universal digitization of data and the function of automation and robotization. There are six groups of social institutions for the development of the digital economy: regulatory institutions; cultural institutions; educational institutions; institutes of science; employment institutions; information security institutes. From the point of view of the authors, it is necessary to highlight and add to the key and important social institutions for the development of the digital economy in the Russian Federation the institutions of cooperation between the state, business and civil society, and the institutions for the development of high-tech markets. All institutions for the development of the digital economy are interconnected with each other and only within the framework of this interaction can they represent a powerful factor in the digital development of the country’s economy.
institution, institutional environment, social institution, digital economy, digital transformation, digitalization, functions of social institutions.
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