V dannoy stat'e provoditsya analiz sistemnyh aspektov strukturnyh sdvigov v oboronno- promyshlennom komplekse Rossiyskoy Federacii. V mirovoy praktike osnovnymi teoriyami, ob'yasnyayuschimi strukturnye izmeneniya v promyshlennosti, yavlyayutsya bihevioristskaya i neoklassicheskaya teorii. Sledstviya dannyh teoriy, harakternye dlya samoreguliruemyh rynochnyh sistem, mogut byt' ispol'zovany dlya resheniya problem strukturnyh preobrazovaniy v OPK. Predstavlyaetsya, chto v tekuschuyu sistemu raspredeleniya prav sobstvennosti na aktivy OPK, osnovannuyu na centralizovannom upravlenii, dolzhny vklyuchat'sya mehanizmy, zamenyayuschie analogichnye rynochnye. Eto pozvolit povysit' obschuyu rezistentnost' sistemy hozyaystvovaniya OPK k vneshnim shokam i povysit' skorost' obmena informaciey mezhdu upravlyayuschimi organami i hozyaystvennymi strukturami.
structural shifts, neoclassics, behaviorism, defense industry complex
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