Stat'ya posvyaschena fundamental'nym problemam sovremennogo i buduschego razvitiya ekonomiki, obschestva, mirovogo soobschestva. Mir v nastoyaschee vremya nahoditsya na poroge dvuh al'ternativ: 1) razvivat'sya v dal'neyshem v interesah finansovo-oligarhicheskoy elity mirovogo soobschestva, ili zhe: 2) vystraivat' zhizn' shirokih sloev naseleniya v sootvetstvii s ih sobstvennymi interesami, mechtami i zhelaniyami buduschego razvitiya. Avtory pytayutsya pomoch' v vybore al'ternativy s pozicii mezhdisciplinarnogo sistemnogo podhoda, raskryvaya etapy i zakonomernosti evolyucionnogo razvitiya chelovechestva. The article is devoted to the fundamental problems of the present and future development of the economy, society and the world community. The world is currently on the verge of two alternatives: 1) development on the whims and interests of the financial-oligarchical elite of the international community, or 2) building up the life of the general public in accordance with their own interests, dreams and desires for future development. The authors try to help in the selection of alternatives from the perspective of an interdisciplinary systemic approach by revealing stages and patterns of evolutionary development of mankind.
science, evolution, law, matter, humanity, development, class, crisis, overcoming
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