V stat'e rassmatrivaetsya vopros o suschestve i proyavleniyah ekspluatacii v sovremennoy Rossii. Utochnyaetsya ponyatie ekspluatacii, analiziruetsya rol' gosudarstva kak uchastnika trudovyh otnosheniy. Analiziruetsya problema sovmestimosti ekspluatacii s social'nym partnerstvom, obespechenie kotorogo neobhodimo dlya perehoda k innovacionnomu razvitiyu obschestva. Pokazana tendenciya razvitiya kollektivnyh form ekspluatacii. Rassmotreno mesto gosudarstva v trudovyh otnosheniyah. The article addresses the question of the nature and manifestations of exploitation in modern Russia. Clarifies the concept of exploitation, analyses the role of the State as a party to the employment relationship. Examines the problem of compatibility with the social partnership, which is necessary for the transition to the innovative development of the society. Shows the trend of development of collective forms of exploitation. Considered the place of the State in labour relations.
operation, maintenance, economic exploitation, labour costs, the reproduction of the labour force, social partnership, social state
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